The new FAIRTRADE cocoa program is simply perfect for Heindl and Pischinger: Since 2014, only 100% FAIRTRADE cocoa has been used for the production of all Heindl and Pischinger products while all the other raw materials are – as far as possible – delivered regionally from Austrian suppliers, e.g. sugar, liqueurs, jam as well as wheat flour and soybean flour. So not only our Pischinger “Haselnuss Ecken”, a crunchy, fresh wafer specialty made of hazelnuts, but also the famous Christmas tree decorations are made of FAIRTRADE cocoa! In this way, Heindl supports fair payment for farming families in West Africa and Ecuador while helping them gain autonomy.


Why Fairtrade?

5 reasons why…

The FAIRTRADE program enables farming families to sell their cocoa beans according to FAIRTRADE conditions

Products with the FAIRTRADE cocoa certification ensure fair minimum prices for the farming families’ cocoa beans. In addition, they get a FAIRTRADE bonus for social and health projects, infrastructure and education

Child labor and forced labor are prohibited

Fair working conditions and environmental measures are additional important parts of a fair production in developing countries

FLO-CERT is an independent monitoring organization which monitors the goods and money flow of the whole supply chain back to the origin

Mass balance: There are some products where traceability is difficult to achieve or can actually be detrimental to farmers, because it wouldn’t be economically reasonable. The companies may mix Fairtrade and non-Fairtrade products during the manufacturing process as long as the actual volumes of sales on Fairtrade terms are tracked and audited through the supply chain.

More Info hier: www.fairtrade.at/programm